UAS LiDAR Transmission Line River Crossing
CEC was tasked with acquiring aerial LiDAR data for a section of 138kV transmission line where CEC’s Transmission Department was designing a new long, overhead crossing spanning the Canadian River.
The long River Crossing allowed CEC to leverage its LiDAR-equipped UAS platform to acquire the needed 3D laser scan data. Utilizing a rotorcraft UAS, the data was acquired “low and slow” in order to capture a high point density. CEC’s flight team planned and performed the flight safely and efficiently with a total time on site at less than an hour.
The acquired data was post-processed and classified. The 3D laser scan data was used to generate a highly detailed topographic model in PLS-CADD where CEC’s Transmission Department designed the new crossing and modeled line sag.
Norman, Oklahoma
Land Survey, Power Transmission Design, Remote Sensing
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Pole Loading Analysis in Texas
Our team performed Pole Loading Analysis on 1200 Xcel Energy poles in Texas.
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Fiber Analysis in Oklahoma
This project included physical in-field height measurements of all existing conductors and telecommunication lines, as well as LiDAR scanning.
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City Of Richardson 30-Inch Waterline
CEC provided Quality Level B Designating and Quality Level A Test Holes for the City of Richardson.
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