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Mobile LiDAR Cadiz at Riverfront

CEC was tasked with collecting topographic survey data for an intricate and highly trafficked interchange in Dallas, Texas – equating to approximately 69 acres. Due to the complex nature of the interchange, detail and crew safety presented a unique challenge. To meet these challenges, CEC implemented its mobile LiDAR system. Working in concert with field personnel, the team acquired all topographic information in just three days. The 3D laser scan data was then post-processed and a design ready survey drawing was generated. By thinking critically and choosing the right tools, CEC provided a comprehensive topographic survey efficiently, accurately – and most importantly – safely.


Dallas, Texas


Land Survey, Remote Sensing

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Broadband engineering for pole loading analysis provided by CEC.

Pole Loading Analysis in Texas

Our team performed Pole Loading Analysis on 1200 Xcel Energy poles in Texas.

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Fiber Analysis in Oklahoma

This project included physical in-field height measurements of all existing conductors and telecommunication lines, as well as LiDAR scanning.

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City Of Richardson 30-Inch Waterline

CEC provided Quality Level B Designating and Quality Level A Test Holes for the City of Richardson.

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