Amber Substation
CEC designed a new physical substation layout, and site design for the 138kV Amber substation near Amber, Oklahoma. This substation feeds the new Cardinal Midstream Iron Horse gas processing plant. A new 138kV terminal and high bus was also added for future expansion.
We provided site design, including drainage, earthwork and driveways. CEC coordinated with both Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC) and Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (OEC), the distribution cooperative, to complete the design.
An accelerated schedule, drainage issues and plans for future expansion made this project both challenging and rewarding for our team and project partners.
Amber, Oklahoma
Civil Engineering, Power Substation Design, Power Transmission Design
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Pole Loading Analysis in Texas
Our team performed Pole Loading Analysis on 1200 Xcel Energy poles in Texas.
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Mercy I-35 Primary Care Clinic
Mercy has expanded care in the Edmond, Oklahoma area with this comprehensive Primary Care Facility.
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8-Inch and 18-Inch Waterline
CEC provided design services for the widening of the intersection at 2nd Street and Bryant Avenue.
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