CEC employees will be introduced to local nonprofits and worthwhile causes through community service. They will have the opportunity to financially partner with nonprofits and request matching funds for their gift be given from CEC.
Through CEC Civil Servants, CEC is able to reach out to help others in foreign countries. One example is partnering annually with Samaritan’s Purse to help Operation Christmas Child by assembling boxes of items to be distributed to needy children around the world. Austin Burton, a CEC employee, has been part of the distribution team in Uganda.
CEC employees and their families have the opportunity to partner with international organizations during our bi-annual Mission Trips to Guatemala.
Employees of CEC partner with local nonprofits throughout the year to collect items needed such as winter coats, gloves and socks for the City Rescue Mission, school supplies and clothes for local foster children through Citizens Caring for Children. Cash donations are also collected and matched by CEC Civil Servants.
CEC partners with fellow business owners to help organize their efforts to expand spiritual outreach and service through their own companies and employees.