Bartlesville Municipal Airport
This project created space for 12 additional based airplanes, to be housed in modern, well-lit hangars with hydraulically operated motorized doors. Using dedicated excise tax funds from the purchase of multiple aircraft by ConocoPhillips, the City was able to fund the hangar portion of the project. The City then used its Non-Primary Entitlement Funding (through FAA) to fund the paving of the aprons and connector taxiway for the hangar.
CEC structured the plans and bid documents such that the hangar was originally bid with 8 units as a Base Bid, and an additional 2 units as an Add Alternate. The bids were so competitive, that the City was able to award the Add Alternate twice, resulting in a 12-unit facility.
CEC performed field survey, engineering design, and construction inspection and administration for this project.