I-40 Exit Ramp and Main Street
CEC contracted with the City of Weatherford to provide design services for the redesign of an exit/entrance ramp and roadway improvements.
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Design services provided by CEC included the NEPA Clearance, including a public meeting, and roadway and bridge design plans for this project.
Read MoreSH-123 over Eliza and Sand Creeks
CEC provided survey, structural analysis, and traffic control plans for two bridges south of Bartlesville, Oklahoma on OK State Highway 123 in Osage County.
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The I-40/SH-102N interchange in Oklahoma will be reconstructed to improve the geometry of the ramps. Services provided by CEC include bridge design, roadway design, traffic control and project sequencing.
Read MoreWashita River Bridge Replacements
This project includes the replacement of four existing truss bridges over the Washita River. Bridge spans range from 90’-200’, including both simple and continuous span designs.
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